Friday, 19 October 2012

Pandering to conservation

Wondering what to do this weekend? Then why not head down to Clifford Pier (between Fullerton Bay Hotel and One Fullerton) to have a go at the Panda Maze? The maze was supposed to close today but it's staying here for another couple of days, 'til Sunday!

The Panda Maze on Clifford Pier
The maze has been put together by the Chengdu Research Base, who are currently raising awareness of panda conservation through their Chengdu Pambassador programme.

The Chengdu Pambassador 2012 is a three-month programme to find panda lovers from around the world and give them the chance to become a "panda ambassador" (or Pambassador) to promote global knowledge and awareness about giant panda conservation. They held the semi-finals in Singapore on 13th.

Welcome to the maze!
Here's a freebie to get you going!
Find out more on their facebook page, where you can enter competitions too!